Environment and Sustainability Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Thursday, 12 March 2015




Meeting time:

09.00 - 11.30




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


Alun Ffred Jones AM (Chair)

Mick Antoniw AM

Russell George AM

Llyr Gruffydd AM

Julie Morgan AM

William Powell AM

Jenny Rathbone AM

Antoinette Sandbach AM

Joyce Watson AM








Sarah Carr, British Veterinary Association

Steve Carter, RSPCA

Matthew Howells, Association of Police Officers

Charles de Winton, Country Land and Business Association

Phillip York, British Horse Society

Lee Jones, Bridgend County Borough Council






Committee Staff:


Alun Davidson (Clerk)

Peter Hill (Deputy Clerk)

Gwyn Griffiths (Legal Adviser)






View the meeting transcript.




1    Introductions, apologies and substitutions

1.1 Apologies were received from Jeff Cuthbert. There were no substitutions.




2    Control of Horses (Wales) Act 2014: Post-legislative scrutiny

2.2 Witnesses responded to questions from Members of the Committee.




3    Control of Horses (Wales) Act 2014: Post-legislative scrutiny

3.3 Witnesses responded to questions from Members of the Committee.




4    Papers to note </AI5><AI6>

Planning (Wales) Bill: Correspondence from the Minister for Natural Resources

4.1 Members noted the correspondence.




5    Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting

5.1 Committee Members agreed the motion.




6    Discussion of forward work programme

6.1 Members discussed the Committee’s Forward Work Programme.




7    Planning (Wales) Bill: Discussion of approach to Stage 2 scrutiny

7.1 The Committee discussed the approach to Stage 2 scrutiny of the Planning (Wales) Bill.


